Referral Program

The Referral Code Program is a mutually beneficial campaign that we have developed specifically for our customers.

How to get a Refferal Code?

As long as you register on our website and have made a purchase, a referral code unique to your account will appear on the account page.

You can find your referral code on your account information page

How to active the referral code?

When you first register your account, this referral code is inactive. Because this project is only for our clients. When you purchase and complete an order for our products while logged into your account, we will manually activate your referral code.

How to use the referral code?

This referral code is a coupon code. You can get 10% discount when you use it yourself. When you let your friends or other people who get this referral code and use it, the new customer can get a 10% discount, and you will get 10% of the amount which will save into the account funds in your account. This account amount can be spent directly on our website or withdrawn.

How to use the account funds?

How to apply to pay to your PayPal Account?

You can also submit the account amount for withdrawal through the internal form in the referral code page on your account information page. We will pay you the withdrawal amount via PayPal.

You can find the form on your account information page Account -Referral Program – Apply For Payment.